Our vision at The Aspen Center is to create an empowered, deeply-rooted, interconnected community where providers meet their personal and professional potential.
Our modern community center provides the balance we crave. Networking and Nurturing, Service and Self-care, all happen from the convenience of your own home with additional support in person.
Our goal is to help you feeling empowered rather than exhausted to support you on your path to reaching your full potential.
“As a busy mom, I find that my needs always come last, and having resources all under one roof to help support me would be revitalizing.”
“When you are a parent with young children trying to do it all, having an additional support system and community is really important for mental health and well being. The Aspen Center would be that support system for so many working parents in our neighborhood. ”
“ When I first heard about The Aspen Center, my first thought was, “How does a place like this not already exist in Portland?” We can do better for our children.